
Mailbag: Foley to blame for O.C. Fair layoffs

This is too bad. These employees have outgoing Councilmember Katrina Foley and her band of politicos to thank (“O.C. Fair employees learn of layoffs,” Dec. 2). They poisoned the city’s deal with Facilities Management West to run a joint operation by complaining to Sacramento and getting the whole deal killed. The city lost out on that because of her lobbying. Now the city has no control over what happens to the employees. At least with the joint venture the city could have tried to save these jobs. Thank you, Ms. Foley. It will be such a nice Christmas for these folks and their families. We are counting the days until you are off of our City Council!

Northside Phil, via

Uh, Phil, where do you get your information? And how do you tie Katrina Foley in to the loss of fairgrounds staff? Amazing, really, since the terms of the sale agreement with the city did not protect the employees either, rather before close of escrow they were to be transitioned out and the state was to do exactly what they are doing now. The city deal was a sham, as well, and there was no protection for these fair employees either way. Even City Manager Allan Roeder met with the fair staff letting them know the city could not absorb the fair employees and that he would work with the state if need be to relocate them into other state positions. Katrina was a voice of reason on the City Council and cares a great deal about the employees.

Iamflabbergasted, via

What a waste of time (“ACLU files appeal for Latino activist’s case,” Dec. 2)! Doesn’t the ACLU have anything better to do than support this loser? Everybody has just about had it with this type of activity. You can have your three minutes at the City Council meeting as long as you follow the rules.


Donnyboyincm, via

Old City Hall site

The paper reported that the city is looking for a vision for the current City Hall. Here’s one! Drive over the Coronado bay bridge. Turn left at the congested intersection and behold a beautiful park with a beautiful gazebo, summer concerts, year round festivals, people place, parking.

Rickey Warner

Newport Beach

Don’t fold bridge column

Our thanks to the Pilot for continuing to publish the daily Goren Bridge column. We and our friends were disappointed when the bridge column was suddenly dropped from the Calendar section of the L.A. Times. Please consider that more people than you might think enjoy this feature and keep it in your paper!

Liz and Lee Newman

Corona del Mar

KOCE to leave Surf City

Re. “KOCE announces move to Costa Mesa” (Dec. 2): Good for you KCET! Your PBS program is the greatest!

CindylizPonce, via

Driver accused of manslaughter

Re. “Kirby trial opens” (Nov. 30): No Mercy! Send Kirby and his story-spinning lawyer away for a long time.

Bob Abooey, via
