
Mailbag: Set aside feelings and vote yes on Measure P

Do we want toll lanes on the 405 or not? Not. If we want to express our displeasure with toll lanes, we need to let our voices be heard.

That starts with a vote for Measure P, regardless of any recent decisions or comments made by the Orange County Transportation Authority.

Two Costa Mesa City Council members, who originally voted for the measure, object to passing Measure P because they claim it is simply an opinion poll with no power. Well, if the residents of Costa Mesa vote yes, this can demonstrate an overwhelming opinion. It could have power.


These same two council members are objecting to Measure P because their names are not listed as signers in favor of the ballot measure. Instead, several other local politicians and candidates signed as backers.

This doesn’t matter to the rest of us. It is moot.

People need to think about what is best for the city whether they like the mayor or not. What is best for the city is working together to create a strong opposition to toll lanes on the 405.

Vote yes on Measure P to say no to toll lanes.

Harold Weitzberg

Costa Mesa.

The writer is a former City Council candidate.


Measure P wastes public money

“Measure P was submitted by the Costa Mesa City Council as an advisory ballot measure and will have no legal effect.”

This is what it says on the Nov. 4 Sample Ballot. Therefore, the council majority wasted taxpayer money putting this non-measure on the ballot and pretending that it is a measure. There is no reason for any resident to cast a vote on Measure P. The city attorney should never have permitted a measure that has “no legal effect” to be on any ballot.

Greg Thunell

Costa Mesa


Measure Y will cost us in water use

I have only one question regarding Newport Beach’s Measure Y: Do people realize how much more all this development is going to cost us in water usage?

Tamar McDonald

Newport Beach


Revised bug ad is less scary

I want to thank Kilter Termite and Pest Control for modifying the bug used in the Daily Pilot and Los Angeles Times advertisements to be less realistic. That they didn’t discount me and made the bug less scary is very nice and has made reading the paper much more enjoyable.

Maret Kunze

Costa Mesa
