Commentary: Measure V only ‘scary’ to labor officials
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Re. “Vote out incumbents, oppose Measure V,” Forum, Charles Mooney (Aug. 17):
The misinformation campaign about the proposed Costa Mesa charter is well underway.
Mr. Mooney’s letter references no-bid contracts, one of a series of buzz words and phrases that Costa Mesa residents following the charter issue will hear about the proposed charter that are intended to scare voters: cronyism, Bell, power grab, risky, corruption, increased taxes, privatization of parks, etc.
I encourage everyone to read the actual text of the proposed charter, or Measure V, and see for themselves that none of the scare tactics are based in reality. The reality is that the proposed charter requires all purchasing and contracts to follow formal procedures set by ordinance or resolution of our locally elected City Council, while freeing us of requirements mandated by the union-controlled Legislature.
The taxpayers are tired of, and can see through, the scare tactics by public employee union officials and their supporters. It’s the same, losing campaign waged in San Francisco, San Jose, San Diego and other cities across California and the country.
Residents want their city back. A city charter is a step toward that goal.
Costa Mesa’s proposed charter has many protections for our residents and businesses. Charter opponents want us to use the example of Bell, a small, historically corrupt city in Los Angeles County, instead of our immediate neighbors Newport Beach, Huntington Beach and Irvine for examples of how charter cities function smoothly for the benefit of their own residents and businesses.
In fact, the proposed charter would allow Costa Mesa to save $1.37 million annually by contracting for park maintenance with the same company that maintains the parks in Newport and Irvine.
The Costa Mesa charter is a simple document whose language has been legally tested elsewhere and carefully reviewed by Special Counsel Kimberly Hall Barlow. The full text of Measure V is available on the city’s website.
Read it and you will quickly see it simply takes decision-making ability on local issues from and puts it into the hands of the people of Costa Mesa.
Who, besides union officials and their supporters, would think that’s scary?
ROB DICKSON is a member of the Costa Mesa Planning Commission. STEVE MENSINGER is a Costa Mesa city councilman.