
Mailbag: Small, careful expansion is best for Laguna

A few weeks ago, Laguna Beach Mayor Bob Whalen gave a well-received talk at the Laguna Canyon Conservancy dinner. His moderate ideas and measured presentation further impressed attendees with the caliber of our newly elected City Council.

One thing Whalen emphasized was that there needs to be a balance between preservation and change in Laguna. He also reminded us that Laguna was founded with art at its roots and that we should continue to support the arts. No argument there.

He then suggested that it would be a fine idea if we built a large arts venue of some sort. This I find alarming.


It reminds me too much of the recently defeated parking structure — expensive and out of scale for Laguna Beach. Surely we can change and improve in Laguna, but to do so jaggedly, with buildings and institutions so large they don’t fit the village atmosphere that our very ambience and charm depend on is to ensure the degradation of the very lifestyle we all love.

Some friends and I were brainstorming after that LCC meeting and came up with multiple ideas for accomplishing some of the objectives Whalen mentioned for a new arts venue.

For example, we already have the Open Studio plan with many participating artists who clearly are willing to have the public in their workspace. Rather than spending megabucks on a large new building, why not support our local artists by funding them to have workshops, etc. in their studios?

I attended the old School of Art when it was located next to the Festival grounds and it was a wonderful, homey, creative place. Small-scale interactions — artists with budding artists — is so much more “Laguna” than a big new, expensive and out-of-scale arts building.

Also, we have lots of available space in the three underused-in-the-off-season Festival venues that could be made available for public use. Much more use should and could be made of these facilities, and city financial recompense for their use could be a win-win for Laguna and the Festivals.

I hope the new council will seek out creative ways to accomplish outcomes consistent with our village style. Laguna deserves a balanced approach to change.

Rosemary Boyd

Laguna Beach

