
Chasing Down the Muse: So much going on, I was too busy to write my column

Early birdsong reached my ears as I gratefully snuggled deep under the covers with my thoughts. Wham. Oh, no. Suddenly, I remembered that I had a column to write.

Four a.m. and I was getting no more sleep that day. My mind raced. Where had the time gone? The month had been filled with a wonderful trip to New York City, a few birthday celebrations, Mother’s Day and a family gathering, Sawdust Booth Pick Day and my husband’s hip surgery.

Along with normal living, perhaps just too much? I sought to give myself a break on my lateness. It wasn’t working too well.


Might as well get up and start the day. The mockingbirds seemed to agree.

Sipping my first cup of coffee, I thought back over the whirlwind of the past week or so.

The New York visit was just for fun — and it was a lot of fun. My son-in-law Patrick’s mother, Cathy, had invited me to stay with her. I had wavered on going because of everything that was happening. The fear was that the shoulda, woulda, coulda stuff might hold me from enjoyment. It sure didn’t.

The first morning’s waking was greeted by springtime in all its glory. The trees were all greening, tulips were in full bloom everywhere, magnolias blossomed overhead and the weather soared into the 80s.

We rode the buses, the train and the subway and walked until we had many miles on our sore feet. The art provided visuals to dream on, and the food provided victuals to remember. What a great trip. I flew home after a week, sated by good art, good food, good conversation, good weather and so much more.

But now that I’m home again, what about a column? The trip could be recounted in great detail and might be interesting to some readers. After all, it was filled with interesting things. Or write about the tribulations of Sawdust Booth Pick Day — a day filled with joy for some and angst for almost all. Nah.

Another in the long line of Doty hip replacements merits very little note (though certainly not to the patient), so that’s out. Birthdays and Mother’s Day and the family gathering were, as usual, filled with laughter and joy but have been covered in previous columns.

As the day progressed, it was filled with teaching a workshop, which is always joyously exhausting — no exception this time. A great group of women laughed, shared stories and simply enjoyed a day of creative time. The column still loomed at close of day.

Like so many things, it became a sort of wherever you go, there you are thing. Thus, here it is.

Life is full. Life is fun. Enjoy.

CHERRIL DOTY is an artist, writer, and teacher who embraces the mystery and magic of all that is life. You can reach her at (714) 745-9973 or by email at [email protected].
