
Clothes for Christmas

The difference between the haves and the have-nots can sometimes be determined by where you live or the car you drive, but at Huntington Beach high schools, it can also be seen by what you wear on your back.

Students come back from winter break wearing the spoils of Christmas, but not everyone is included in the parade of the season’s hippest clothes.

A number of homeless students at Huntington Beach and Edison high schools aren’t afforded the same luxuries as most of the student population, but hopefully, they won’t have to do without new clothes this holiday.


Girl Scout Troop 2125 wants to make sure their peers get something new to wear for this winter with a clothing drive.

“Some kids’ parents can’t afford to give their kids gifts,” said Michelle Wolzinger, 15. “We’re giving kids the opportunity to have the holiday experience.”

The troop is collecting new or gently worn clothes for students in need at Huntington Beach and Edison. They are also accepting gift cards to Target and Walmart. The clothes will be distributed to the students discreetly, so no one has to be embarrassed by their financial situation.

Many people take for granted what they have, especially during the holidays, but getting new clothes will mean something to these students, said Hannah Pasternak, 15.

“It makes a difference for people,” she said.

The troop of high school sophomores at the two schools got the idea from one of their sister troops’ service project last year, Michelle said.

Learning about the schools’ homeless population has opened the troop’s eyes, Hannah said.

The volunteer work the girls do in general, at hospitals and in senior centers, has made them appreciate what they have, said Briana Kutinsky, 15.

How To Help

Donate new or gently used clothing and gift cards to Target or Walmart.

To drop off donations or have them picked up, e-mail troop leader Diane Kutinsky at [email protected].
