
Farley, Shaw receive endorsement

Huntington Beach Tomorrow announced its endorsements for Huntington Beach City Council candidates Joe Shaw and Blair Farley, and yes on Measure O.

Huntington Beach Tomorrow, a community organization dedicated to maintaining a high quality of life for residents, released its endorsements in its latest newsletter.

Measure O would omit debt service in the calculation of the 15% of the annual general fund allocated to infrastructure.


Vice President Ed Kerins said there were other candidates who would be excellent City Councilmember, but they don’t have the wherewithal to be elected.

Noticeably absent from the endorsement was the third member of Team Huntington Beach, former Mayor Connie Boardman. Kerins said the group looked “very favorably” on Boardman and believes she will serve the residents, “but she wants to do it with full union support.”

Farley and Shaw were picked because of their experience and results on the Planning Commission and Public Works Commission respectively, their objectivity and their balance between the needs of residents and businesses, Kerins said.

—Britney Barnes
