
John H. Von Holle

Name: John H. Von Holle

Age: 62

Birthplace: Cincinnati

How long have you lived in Huntington Beach? 18 years

Occupation: retired Huntington Beach municipal employee with 36 years in City Hall

Education: three years of college with extensive classes in water production and distribution, sanitation and reclaimed water, street and highway design, public works inspection, public administration and management

Previously elected or appointed positions: president of city’s Municipal Employees Assn., Scout master, vice president of Huntington Beach High Football Boosters, president of Huntington Estates Homeowners Assn.

Community organizations you belong to: active member of Seabreeze Community Church

What do you think are the biggest issues facing Huntington Beach right now?
The city budget; making the city effective, efficient and accountable; Downtown Specific Plan; new senior center in Huntington Central Park; Poseidon desalination plant


What is one decision in the last year the City Council got right and why would you have supported it?

The approval of the Poseidon desalination plant. In talking to the Orange County Water District and the Orange County Sanitation, it is clear that we have the technology to reclaim water, but we don’t have large enough plants to reclaim the amount of water we need.

What is one decision in the last year the City Council got wrong, or partially wrong, and why would you have voted differently?

The study of the city Charter was the correct thing to do; however, the timing of Proposition O is bad. If O passes the City Council will have to find millions of dollars to cover the 15% coming out of the general fund for an infrastructure fund. Rising fees won’t be the answer. The City Council will have to create new programs, incentives, and become business friendly.
