
Andrew Nguyen

Name: Andrew Nguyen

Age: 41

Birthplace: Vietnam

Residence: 15462 Nantucket St., Westminster

Occupation: governing board member

Education: Orange Coast College. California School Board Assn. masters in governance

Experience as an educator: Served for four years as a member of the Westminster Board of Trustees

Previously elected or appointed positions: governing board member of the Westminster Board of Trustees.

Community organizations you belong to: Vietnamese Culture School, traffic commissioner for Westminster and chief of police advisory

Why should constituents vote for you?

I am genuinely concerned with the improvement of the quality of education our children receive in school and to further develop their educational performances on tests. Since my election into office, I have been witness to the raising of overall test scores and am excited for the opportunity to continue to work hard along with them and see their continual improvement.

What do you think is the biggest problem facing your district and how do you plan to address it?


The biggest problem our school district is facing is the budget and the cuts that will eventually have to be put into place. The most important thing we need to remember is that we want to maintain the services we provide to our children as well as we can with the budget that we have to work with.

In the last year, what is one issue that you think the sitting board members handled well and why?

One issue we have handled well in the last year is the passing of the Measure O project on the ballot. This project gave us the tools to drastically improve, modernize and upgrade our schools to the 21st century.

In the last year, what is one issue the board got wrong and what would you have done differently?

In the last year, we chose to extend the contract for the superintendent. However, she unfortunately chose to retire early. What I would have done differently is to not extend her contract without knowing her full intentions.
