
That’s Debatable

When asked about the Obama administration’s plan to shut down the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and move its detainees to a prison in Illinois, U.S. Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio), the House minority leader, had this to say on CNN’s “State of the Union” program:

“They want $500 million from this Congress to rehabilitate this prison in northwest Illinois. I want to see who the members are who are going to vote for this. I wouldn’t vote for this if you put a gun to my head.”

If this came up for a vote in the House, which way would you vote on this proposal and why?


Absolutely no. The proposal is to spend money we don’t have, to build something that already exists, in a place where it shouldn’t be. If we leave the terrorists in Guantanamo, we will save money and keep Americans safer.

U.S. Rep. John Campbell

(R-Newport Beach)

I have a record of voting against totally unnecessary spending. Closing GITMO and spending half a billion dollars to upgrade a prison on U.S. soil to house terrorists is just the kind of proposal you’d expect from big-spending liberal Democrats who treat our War on Terror as a domestic law enforcement issue.

U.S. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher

(R-Huntington Beach)
