
In Theory

On Tuesday, a gathering of Orange County Catholics and Jews will mark the Jewish holiday of Passover together by sharing the Seder meal at Temple Beth Sholom in Santa Ana. The temple’s Rabbi Heidi Cohen and the Most Rev. Cirilo Flores, the auxiliary bishop of Orange, will preside over the Seder together by co-officiating it, Diocese of Orange officials said in a news release.

Jews celebrate Passover with the Seder meal on the 15th day of the Jewish month of Nissan. The meal commemorates the oppression that Jews experienced through slavery in Ancient Egypt.

Tuesday’s banquet at the temple will mark the 11th annual interfaith celebration of Seder between Orange County Jews and Catholics. The purpose, according to the diocese, is for followers of both faiths to celebrate their similarities and respect their differences.


Do you think that it’s appropriate for members and clergy representing another religion to participate in observing, celebrating — and even co-officiating — rituals that are central to your religion? If you think this is a good idea, could you offer examples of how you have shared rituals that are seminal to your own religion with people from other faiths?

Jews and Christians share in elevating wine and bread as sacred symbols. For Jews, the Seder’s unleavened bread reminds us of bitter bondage and the Passover wine attests to the sweetness of redemption. For Christians, the wine and bread of the Last Supper are Jesus’s blood, soon to be poured out for mankind, and his body, soon to be broken on the Cross.

I have addressed many Christian groups on the significance of Passover and have welcomed many Christian guests to Seder meals. I could not, though, participate in a service that celebrates both the Jewish Seder and the Christian Passover. When a Christian attendee at the Seder partakes of matzah and raises the cup, he does so in fidelity to the Gospel of John: “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise him in the last day.”

It would be difficult for me to hear the three matzahs proclaimed as the Triune God, or Jesus hailed as the true Paschal lamb, or the meaning of Christ’s atoning death confirmed in Passover typology. To me, this would be an unwarranted expropriation of my sacred symbols in the service of an incompatible faith.

Rabbi Mark S. Miller

Temple Bat Yahm

Newport Beach

Just a few days ago, I attended an “Evensong,” where Catholic Bishop Tod Brown and an Episcopal priest, Father David Baumann, presented a message in word and song for Christian unity. It was a touching and inspirational event. Recently, the Latter-day Saints in South Orange County, shared the breaking of the fast during Ramadan with the Islamic Society of Irvine. Speakers from both faiths spoke of how fasting was viewed by their community and a spirit of love was manifest.

In December 2002, while I served as president of the NCCJ, we held a Triple Celebration where we brought Jews, Muslims and Christians together to celebrate simultaneously Hanukkah, Ramadan and Christmas. Presentations were made by a rabbi, imam and priest that helped us to understand better the traditions of our neighbors.

Many synagogues include people of other faiths in their celebration of Seder, and it is a wonderful and uplifting way to appreciate historic Judaism. My life is devoted to the proposition that the more we understand of the faith of others, the more we can appreciate and honor the contribution that these faiths make to our society.

If all people of faith lived the teachings of their religion, this would be a much better world.

Tom Thorkelson

Director of Interfaith Relations, Orange County Council

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Absolutely appropriate! An excellent idea and practice.

Because I have been privileged to pastor families in which there are both Christians and Jews, I have participated with rabbis in “hatch, match and dispatch” ministries: welcoming newborns, blessing covenantal relationships, and celebrating lives at burials. My ministry has been blessed with many and diverse involvements in interfaith gatherings and ceremonies.

In fact, at noon on Good Friday, April 2, this Episcopal Parish Church will host worship using liturgy from our Book of Common Prayer. Many ministers/pastors from our local Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran, Congregational/United Church of Christ and Disciples of Christ churches will be here.

Our preacher/speaker will be my colleague-in-this-column and friend, Rabbi Mark Miller of Temple Bat Yahm on “Our Responses to Anti-Semitism in the Gospel of John.”

Come and experience how absolutely appropriate this is or, maybe, isn’t.

(The Very Rev’d Canon) Peter D. Haynes

Saint Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church

Corona del Mar

When a person is committed to a way of worshiping and loving God, to share that experience of life and of prayer is an honor and a joy. What we love most in our lives is never kept hidden. What brings us happiness is naturally communicated to others. When we love our religion, we want to share that with those around us.

I can remember, when I was studying in Rome for two years, how I would bring visitors to St. Peter’s Basilica for Mass with the pope. I was always proud and eager to share what I considered a very holy and personal moment with others.

In my work with other Christian faiths I think we should try to find those moments when we can share our love for Christ. In the Diocese we do this often. Last week we had a beautiful service of prayer for Christian unity. We had people from many different Christian communities, Protestant and Orthodox and we were blessed to have Bishop Brown preside over that service and prayer. This is something that would never have happened 50 years ago.

There are certain actions like the reception of Holy Communion that because of our disunity we cannot extend to each other. I would be welcomed into an Orthodox liturgy but I would not be invited to receive the Eucharist. I know that and I respect that. What we can do, according to our churches, however, we should do and that is a whole world of things!

When we are talking about religions that are not Christian it becomes more challenging to find ways to pray with one another. Hinduism and Christianity are so very different that it becomes rather a question of appreciating each other, listening, watching and respecting the rituals or prayers that we witness. Catholicism has its roots in Judaism so here we have strong relational, cultural, historical and spiritual bonds.

I believe that the more we come to see how we understand God or the transcendent the more doors open and friendships are formed.

The more we are able to relate to each other the more we are able to bring peace, for ourselves and for the world.

The Rev. Al Baca

Episcopal Vicar

Office of Ecumenical & Inter-religious Affairs

Diocese of Orange

Of course I think it is a good idea! I have participated in Jewish Seder meals as well as Iftar dinners. In fact, this year’s ecumenical Good Friday service at Saint Michael & All Angels at noon April 2 is actually going to be an Interfaith service! The featured speaker is Rabbi Mark Miller of Temple Bat Yahm.

I believe it is very important for us to not only know about one another’s holy days and observations, but to celebrate and observe with each other! This coming Wednesday the Newport Mesa Interfaith luncheon will feature a panel of speakers from four different religions on holy days. What better way for us to understand each other than join together in ritual?

Join us at noon Wednesday at Our Lady Queen of Angels Roman Catholic Church. Surely, our own spiritual journeys can only be enhanced when we learn and experience from each other!

The Rev. Sarah Halverson

Fairview Community Church

Costa Mesa

Dialogue among religious leaders is certainly important. Involvement in rituals can at times also be fruitful and a way to expand and enrich our appreciation of what religions other than our own have to offer.

On the one hand, there have to be limits in place so as not to cause confusion to the faithful. On the other hand, where it is possible and permissible, “cross over” participation should be encouraged. Bishop Tod Brown on occasion invites various religious leaders to Holy Family Cathedral for a prayer service followed by a reception. I have had some interesting conversations with people of different faiths at these receptions, which allowed us to share what we believe in a friendly manner.

Fr. Stephen Doktorczyk

Saint Joachim Church

Costa Mesa

Ritual is not emphasized in Zen, especially in the United States. Our focus is on meditation and its applications in ordinary daily life.

Because there is no set of beliefs or creed that anyone is expected to accept, there are Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, Taoist and atheist Zen practitioners. Rituals, offered during retreats, feature universal and easily understood practices such as offering incense, dedications, recitations and special consideration of the needs of those who are sick or suffering.

As far as co-officiating, for example in wedding or funeral services, I think the most important thing is careful planning about who is doing what. A reflection or prayer may express one of the religious traditions, while another section of the liturgy may highlight the other co-officiant’s tradition — with both officiants emphasizing their common ground for a rich, joyful and harmonious event.

The Rev. Deborah Barrett

Zen Center of Orange County

Costa Mesa
