
Matthew Danihels

Happy 30th Birthday

Mommy, Daddy, Grandma Bucky, Grandpa Leo,

Mimi, Nonna, Grandpa Romero, Maria, Amanda, Leo, Michele,

and OJ, your beloved marmalade cat cherish you. You

brought us joy, and your life nurtured us. Your clever mind,

your incredible artistic and computer abilities, your unique

perspective and entrepreneurial spirit amazed us. Born on

the first day of spring, you renewed us with your spirit; fresh,

new, and innovative.

This spring your broad smile, gripping hug, and

joyful celebration of life will be missing. March 20th, your

30th birthday will leave a huge gapping hole in our hearts.

Your passing forces us to learn to live without you.

This is a hard learned lesson for hearts and minds that yearn

to have you back living and breathing into our lives.

Happy 30th Birthday Matthew, “our gift of God”, our

joy, our sorrow. You are with us every waking moment, and

every dream in sleep. God Bless and keep you, precious boy

until we are together once more.

You are always daddy’s “boy-boy”

Grandma Buck-Buck’s “Mattie-Rattie”

Mommy’s baby

Happy 30th Birthday

Have fun in dime store heaven with grandma Bucky

We love you with all hearts forever and ever.
