
Check It Out:

Competing for jobs is tough in the best of times, and in a bad economy you need every edge you can get. Read up on current “thinking about thinking” and how it affects the world of work, and you’ll go into your next interview armed with knowledge that will help you stand out from the crowd.

Start with “Predictably Irrational” by Dan Ariely. Ariely is a behavioral economist who cites a variety of fascinating and eye-opening studies to argue that, while humans are not rational actors most of the time, we are irrational in predictable ways, and that those insights should inform the way we develop our economic and business models. Far from a dry dissection of economic theory, this book is a lively read: sometimes hilarious, sometimes shocking, but always interesting. Ariely will have you wondering if you’ve ever made a rational decision in your life!

In “A Whole New Mind,” Daniel Pink observes that the worlds of work and culture are experiencing a transformational shift from left-brained to right-brained thinking.


He posits that survival and success in this transition will rely on the ability to develop six “senses”: design, story, symphony, empathy, play and meaning. If you have any fears that you are becoming obsolete or that your job might be outsourced, this is a great book to help you envision your career in a new way.

If you’re in a management position, Pink provides additional insights in his latest book, “Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us.” He explores how prevailing business wisdom about motivation is actually contradicted by scientific evidence about the way people think. He contrasts extrinsic motivation (i.e. the old “carrot and stick” philosophy) with intrinsic motivation, and demonstrates that while extrinsic motivation is effective for a small number of routine tasks, intrinsic motivation is far more powerful and long-lasting. Pink argues that in order to develop and foster intrinsic motivation in employees you need to provide three things: autonomy, mastery and purpose.

People want to have control over what they do or how they do it; they want the opportunity to learn and grow and get better at what they do; and they want to be part of something bigger than themselves. It’s a book that challenges some long-held assumptions in the business world.

For those who really want to be “fire-proof” in their careers, check out “Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?” by Seth Godin. A bestselling author and marketing guru, Godin takes a hard look at what it takes to be a linchpin in your organization and challenges people to face their fears, plow through the internal resistance and become artists in their fields.

His value for what he calls “emotional work” sets this book apart from many other popular business titles. Ultimately, it’s more a call to arms than a how-to manual, but it’s sure to challenge and inspire you as you look toward the future.

Whether you’re looking for a new job, trying to get promoted or just trying to renew your enthusiasm for the job you have, the library has many great titles to inform and inspire you.

CHECK IT OUT is written by the staff of the Newport Beach Public Library. All titles may be reserved from home or office computers by accessing the catalog at For more information on the Central Library or any of the branches, please contact the Newport Beach Public Library at (949) 717-3800, option 2.
