
City Council Wrap-up

The following is from the Nov. 17 City Council meeting.

Fundraiser tickets

City Manager Ken Frank asked for a show of hands for tickets to the Mission Hospital annual fundraiser. Tickets are $400 each. The city will pick up the tab for Councilwomen Toni Iseman and Verna Rollinger and their guests and for Assistant City Manager John Pietig, who has served on the council’s hospital sub-committee, and his wife. Councilwoman Jane Egly, who also served on the sub-committee cannot attend, but urged a significant show of support by the council.

Mayor Pro Tem Elizabeth Pearson and Mayor Kelly Boyd said they already had their tickets.

Design/development rules

Amendments to the city’s zoning ordinance and the Local Coastal Program was approved unanimously 5-0 at the second reading. The city will ask the California Coastal Commission to certify the coastal program amendment.


Changes include limiting the hauling of graded materials on city streets to 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; subjecting additions of more than 10% to design review; changing the public noticing period for review to 28 days; exempting elevator shafts from the definition of gross floor area; eliminating variances needed to develop legal, nonconforming building sites; and amending regulations for adding to or enlarging existing legal, nonconforming structures.



The 5-0 Design Review Board approval of a proposal to add 1,182 square feet to a single family residence and rebuild a 514-square-foot garage at 30812 Driftwood Drive was not upheld by the council, which voted 4 to 1 (Boyd opposed) to send the project back to the board. An appeal of the Design Review Board approval of the installation a rooftop air conditioning unit on a condominium building was unanimously denied.

Parking reduction approved 5-0

Papa’s Taco’s requested a reduction in parking requirements.


The council reduced the requirement by three spaces as an incentive for adding more outdoor dinning space.

“” Compiled by Barbara Diamond
