
Sunset survey results leave questions

The Sunset Beach community may be against annexation by Huntington Beach, but has no clear majority for incorporating as its own city, according to a survey by the Sunset Beach Community Assn.

The survey questionnaire asked residents about annexation and incorporation and for donations to support becoming a city, and while donations came in, only about 37% of the surveys delivered were returned.

“[It was] a good straw poll — a good key indicator — but [the survey] left a lot of votes uncounted,” said Jack Markovitz, a Sunset Beach resident.


The community is looking into incorporation after it was put under Huntington’s sphere of influence in early July. The Orange County Local Agency Formation Commission put the community under the city’s sphere in an effort to get rid of all county islands.

Surveys went out to all landowners and registered voters in the community to find out what they want to do before taking another step into the costly process of incorporation.

Residents were asked if they wanted to incorporate, and only about 48% of those who mailed in a survey said yes, while 22% said no, 28% were undecided and 2% didn’t choose.

“It’s obvious at this time that we do not have a consensus in the community,” Markovitz said.

For a general survey, the return was “exceptional,” said Bill Sebring, a Sunset Beach resident and member of the incorporation committee. While it didn’t draw a consensus on incorporation, it did show the community’s feelings on Huntington Beach.

“It did come to a large percentage of folks not wanting to become Huntington,” Sebring said.

Residents donated more than $27,000 for gathering more information about becoming a city.

The community association is looking into hiring a consultant with the money to determine whether it would be feasible to go forward with incorporation.

Before any money is spent, the association is putting together a plan on how, or if it is possible, to raise the more than $100,000 needed for incorporation.

The association will decide whether or not to hire a consultant at a special meeting at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 15 at the Women’s Clubhouse on 16812 Bayview Drive.

-- Britney Barnes
