
Soda making waistlines bubble out

Orange County is expanding its waistlines — and a new study shows soda to be one of the culprits.

A recent study by UCLA shows a link between soda and other sweetened beverages and obesity in Orange County, according to a release from the Orange County Nutrition and Physical Activity Collaborative Obesity Prevention Plan. Drinking more than one soda a day makes a person 27% more likely to be overweight or obese.

The study found 21% of adults and 41% of children and adolescents in Huntington Beach drink more than one soda a day.


The Obesity Prevention Plan is a new project started by the collaborative and the Health Funders Partnership of Orange County to help reduce obesity rates in the county. The plan is looking at not just soda, but every aspect of life, and how each part can promote a healthier lifestyle.

— Britney Barnes
