
Results: 2009 Coastal Cleanup Day

California Coastal Cleanup Day: Laguna Beach September 19, 2009

Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of California Coastal Cleanup Day, nearly 800 volunteers here in Laguna Beach took part in what has become an international event that focuses on removing debris from the open spaces, streams, lakes, estuaries and marine habitats worldwide.

In Laguna Beach 2800 lbs. was collected, consisting of 1600 lbs. of regular trash plus 1200 lbs. of recyclables.

Unusual items found were an intact lobster trap found in a Heisler Park cove, a brand new folding chair still in its wrapping, a large metal crate plus a small vessel boom and winch system.


Combining forces to supervise the cleanup of almost 5 miles of sand plus 1 mile of the Aliso Creek streambed were Michael Hazzard (Aliso Creek Steelhead), Rick Conkey (Help Blue Water) and Roger von Bütow (Clean Water Now! Coalition). They were assisted by numerous critical site leaders who helped organize the yearly event and gave up their beautiful Saturday morning to help turn the tide against trash locally.

Volunteers from Tesoro and Upland High Schools came out in force along with other local students plus our usual boy and girl scout troops from inland. Approximately 2/3 of our volunteers do not live or work in Laguna but travel significant distances to do their share for California’s coastal ecologies.

Kudos to Michelle Clark (Waste Management of Orange County) who helped by having her crew collect and weigh the trash for us, also the underwater folks from South OC Divers and La Verne Dive Club sprinkled throughout the coves that pulled up their fair share.

Personal thanks to: Perennial participants Hearts of Montage led by Christine Loidolt, John Krill (Laguna Beat), Joanne Sutch, Art Fahy, Earl Longstreet, David Marchese, Trevor Keetch (Pacific Edge Hotel), Mike Cohan (Spencer Recovery), Bill Thornton (South OC Divers), Michel Olyer (Advisor Upland HS), Michal Peri (GS Troop 2084), Joseph Hassine (Tesoro HS) and the Dr. Russ Hill clan.

As a state-wide effort coordinated by the California Coastal Commission, we’re grateful to their educational program staff, Eben Schwartz and Shannon Waters, who also assist us throughout the year in our local Adopt-A-Beach cleanups.

Contact: Roger von Bütow Clean Water Now! 949.715.1912
