
The Coastal Gardener:

In late August the government’s successful “cash for clunkers” program wrapped up with nearly 700,000 clunker cars taken off the roads of America. Final cost: $2.877 billion. Original budget: $1 billion.

Earlier in the year, a “cash for conservation” program also removed thousands of inefficient irrigation devices from local landscapes. Final cost: $54 million. Original budget: $20 million.

During the past couple of years, Southern California gardeners have cashed in on some healthy water conservation rebates, until earlier this year, when an overly successful rebate program ran out of money.


The success of the program was encouraging but overwhelmed the available money. April’s monthly funds were used up during the first eight days. May’s funding lasted only an hour and a half. After that, with no funds left, the rebates were essentially put on an indefinite hold.

The program, managed by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, provided rebates for the installation of weather-sensitive smart irrigation controllers and water-conserving sprinkler heads, as well as some clothes washers and toilets.

Until April, the rebates were granted to anyone who completed the application and attached their sales receipt for the approved new controllers or sprinkler heads. Twenty million dollars was budgeted to cover the rebates, but after an overflow of $34 million in applications, a huge budget shortfall and a controversial internal audit, the Metropolitan Water District suspended the program. Gardeners were left holding the bag, in some cases, quite literally.

The good news for local gardeners, especially during difficult economic times, is that another $19 million has been approved to fund the program. A slightly revised rebate program will launch at 9 a.m. Monday.

My suggestion to anyone considering a switch to WeatherTrak Smart timers or MP Rotator sprinklers — devices that I and other water conservation experts have been encouraging for years — is to act quickly.

Rebate funds are being allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Funds will run out again.

For home gardeners the amount of the rebate will vary depending upon your local water provider, either Mesa Consolidated Water District, Newport Beach or the Irvine Ranch Water District.

Here’s how it works: First, go to and on the main menu click “Estimate Your Rebate.” Then, select the name of your water provider and the name of the product(s) you want to install.

The product names are listed by manufacturer and model number, not by brand.

WeatherTrak controllers are called ”Hydropoint — WTPLS,” followed by the number of stations.

MP Rotators are listed as “Hunter Industries — MP Rotator.”

When you purchase the products, be sure to save your receipt and ask for a rebate form or download the application at the SoCalWaterSmart website. To be eligible, be sure that your receipt is dated no earlier than Sept. 21, 2009.

Let’s assume you are served by the Irvine Ranch Water District and you are buying 20 MP Rotators, a more efficient sprinkler.

Because the Irvine Ranch Water District has added additional funds, your rebate check could be as much as $180!

That’s a significant incentive, but check the program details first to be sure you are buying qualified devices and to see what your particular rebate is likely to be.

The relaunch of irrigation rebates is great news for gardeners. If you missed out on the rebates earlier this year, you now have another chance. But my suspicion is that, like our current water situation, these rebate funds may dry up quickly.

Ask Ron

Question: I read your column every week. I have a question about my cucumber plants. What is it? The pumpkins get it too but everything else seems to be OK. The soil is wet enough. I spray with a copper soap fungicide and ‘Concern’ insect killing soap.


Answer: Cucumbers, melons and squash are related plants. Collectively known as cucurbits, they suffer from several pests and diseases that can prematurely cause the foliage to yellow and dehydrate. Possibilities include fungal diseases like powdery and downy mildew as well as anthracnose. Local pest issues include spider mites, whitefly, leaf miners, leafhoppers and cucumber beetles. Looking at your photograph I can see evidence of leafminer insects. But, when diagnosing a plant, quite often one issue will mask others. Although I cannot tell for sure, I suspect there may be spider mites feeding on this plant as well, and powder mildew has probably also taken a toll on the plant. You’re probably doing about the right thing, and I applaud you for using organic controls. But be sure you are applying the fungicide and insecticidal soap to the underside of the leaves as well as the tops and getting good coverage. In my experience, even with excellent diligence, after a couple of months most cucurbits in Orange County develop some sort of foliar infestation, although they often continue producing good fruit. Simply planting a second crop each summer is a strategy that many local gardeners have employed successfully.

ASK RON your toughest gardening questions, and the expert nursery staff at Roger’s Gardens will come up with an answer. Please include your name, phone number and city, and limit queries to 30 words or fewer. E-mail [email protected], or write to Plant Talk at Roger’s Gardens, 2301 San Joaquin Hills Road, Corona del Mar, CA 92625.

RON VANDERHOFF is the nursery manager at Roger’s Gardens, Corona del Mar.
