
Conservative columnist Breitbart to speak at event

Conservative columnist Andrew Breitbart will be speaking at the Newport Harbor Republican Women luncheon Sept. 24, organizers announced.

To attend, send a $26 check payable to the organization by Saturday.

Breitbart is publisher of and His latest project is “Big Hollywood,” a group blog on that covers Hollywood and politics from a right-leaning view. The Washington Times also features his “Big Hollywood” column weekly.

Breitbart can also be seen regularly as a guest pundit on Fox News and commentator on radio shows. He covers Hollywood and looks at issues that face conservatives working there.


His appearance kicks off the organization’s fall season.

He is scheduled to appear from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Sept. 24 at the Pacific Club, 4110 MacArthur Blvd. in Newport Beach. To sign up, send your check to Sheila Thomsen, 10 Rue Canes, Newport Beach, CA 92660.

— Joseph Serna
