
Sounding Off:

On June 8, the Costa Mesa Planning Commission in a 3-2 vote passed an amendment to the overlay zone. This means they are going to ease up on the building restrictions in that area of town.

Brief History

The 277-acre zone affects property owners in Costa Mesa’s Westside industrial area. The ultimate goal of the zone is to eliminate the industrial use of properties and replace them with residential and/or retail buildings. The zone was implemented as a way for the city to “revitalize” the Westside. To date there have only been two projects approved under this overlay and this leads us to the amendment to the overlay zone.

The developers on the Planning Commission want to see more development in the overlay zone. To get more development that majority of the Planning Commission created a loophole in the overlay zone.


As it currently stands, a residential development allows up to 13 units per acre and a mixed use development allows up to 20 units per acre in the overlay zone.

Here is how the loophole was created. Mixed use buildings are part retail (i.e. stores) and part residential (apartments).

To promote development, the majority of the Planning Commission removed all workspace requirements, thus allowing the building to be purely residential and avoiding current residential density requirements by building under the mixed use title.

Also, these buildings can be four stories tall, 60 feet in height with 90% lot coverage. This will create high-density.

The exact reason given by Commissioners Sam Clark and James Fisler in voting against the amendment. During the public comments I said there would be a 65% increase of density and I was mistaken; it will be almost a 54% increase in density.

The entire meeting should be watched at

Why this matters

Primarily this will create a high-density residential community. High-density will negatively affect our quality of life. This amendment benefits the developers and not the residents of our city. Also the proposed Banning Ranch development will further compound the overlay high-density.

The overlay zone is in place as a way to “revitalize” our city. However, if high-density buildings are approved, future problems in the Westside will need to be corrected. This negative future can easily be avoided.

What can be done?

Because this was approved 3-2 by the Planning Commission, it will next be heard by the City Council on July 21. I highly recommend and urge taking the time to watch this 56-minute meeting, form your own opinion and e-mail the City Council at [email protected].

Even better, come to the meeting and share your opinions in person.

Finally I would like it to be known that I personally do not care for the overlay zone and believe that our Westside industrial area will be a key asset in our city’s future.

CHRIS MCEVOY lives in Costa Mesa.
