
Belting for bucks

Would-be pop stars flocked to the Orange County Market Place for qualifying rounds of the SongBurst karaoke competition on Saturday.

Other qualifying rounds will be Feb. 21, 28 and March 7 in preparation for the SongBurst finals March 21 at the Orange County Market Place at the O.C. Fair & Events Center.

Pre-registration is not required, but there is a $5 entry fee. Kids age 17 and younger can sign up from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., with singing beginning at 11 a.m. on any of the date for qualifying rounds. Registration for adults is 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The adult competition will begin at 1 p.m.


The grand prize winner in the adult division will receive a $1,000 cash award. Second place receives $500; third place, $300; fourth place, $200 and fifth place, $100.

The winner of the junior division will receive a $1,000 U.S. savings bond; second place, a $500 savings bond and third place, a $200 savings bond.

— Brianna Bailey
