

When things change and it becomes apparent you’re not in control, do you have any tools in your tool box that can help you navigate the storm?

If all you have is shame, you’ll probably beat yourself up and try to nail down what little you have so it won’t blow away.

If all you have is blame, what you do won’t be pretty. But if you have faith in your tool box and you know how to use it, you’ll strengthen your resolve and deepen your relationship with God or whatever you call your higher power.


The Rev. Emmet Fox, popular among people in Alcoholics Anonymous, was noted for preaching the power of the Golden Key. His advice for those who struggled with change was: “Stop thinking about the difficulty, whatever it is, and think about God instead.”

He characterized this behavior as rehearsing everything and anything you know about wisdom, truth, and inconceivable love.

Fox said it didn’t matter how well you think you understood these tools; go over them repeatedly.

To the egocentric problem solver, this is madness. How can a higher power drive away fear and solve problems?

Einstein said you can’t solve the problem by thinking at the level of the problem. Another great teacher said perfect love casts out all fear. Fox said, “The rule is to think God, and if you’re thinking about your difficulty, you can’t be thinking about God.”

In my book, “The Secret According to Jesus: No One is Left Behind,” I say nothing can change until you forgive. And the first person you must forgive is yourself for thinking that God has abandoned you and that the only change that matters is economical when it’s spiritual.

Want to know how to navigate fear? Go to cmcsd.organd click on How to Pray.

Want a tool to get you through difficult times? E-mail me at [email protected], and I’ll send you a short online video called “Do Not Despair.”

JIM TURRELL is the senior pastor at the Center for Spiritual Living.
