
SURFING SOAPBOX: Taking a surfing road trip

Well folks, the Surfing Soapbox is doing just that — going surfing for a couple of weeks. First stop is Lima, Peru, where my sponsor Lost Clothing and Surfboards will be premiering my TV show that aired on Super Bowl Sunday, titled “My Firsthand” on Fuel TV.

“‘My Firsthand’ is an award-winning documentary based on the lives of action sports greatest heroes.” It was the absolute greatest moment of my surfing career and an honor to have such an opportunity.

The filming of my show showcased the making of the documentary, “ECO-Warrior,” which is an ongoing project about preserving oceans and beaches and those who take part in the efforts of doing so around the world. We traveled to the Great Lakes, where surfing is illegal in Chicago and then onto Lima, where a 3-kilometer breakwater threatens the existence of one of Peru’s greatest waves. I have always had a special kinship with surfing. However, it is only now that I have truly found my calling in giving back to not only the sport of surfing but to our oceans and beaches. I have met so many gifted and enlightened people along the way, who teach me something new every day — something special that I can now pass on to the younger generations that will follow in our footsteps, just as those before, taught me.


After the TV premier, I will be taking part in some beach clean ups with the local children of Lima before heading north to Cabo Blanco for more surfing and filming. Along the way you can catch up to me with my latest blogs on MySpace and Facebook.

Until then — stay healthy, keep surfing.


JAMES PRIBRAM is a Laguna Beach native, professional surfer and John Kelly Environmental Award winner. His websites include AlohaSchoolofSurfing and ECOWarrior He can be reached at Jamo@Aloha
