
SOUNDING OFF: Don’t be fooled

The SUPER Project (STABILIZATION + Utility Protection + Environmental Restoration) for Aliso Creek is nothing more than a gussied-up flood-control channel to stabilize the bank and is a federally funded, $45-million boondoggle that will serve only the Athens Group and its Aliso Creek Golf Course and Resort.

It will in no way change the fact that the water will remain dirty, the outflow into the ocean will remain dirty and the natural habitat will be gone forever by the channelization. It has nothing to do with restoring the creek to a healthy and natural environment that we would all benefit from.

So please, Laguna, do not be fooled: Oppose this $45-million budget bailout for the Athens Group and make them choose an alternate plan to clean up the creek. Write to Sens. Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein, and let President Obama know that this is a deal cut behind closed doors without the public’s trust and that it stinks.


City Councilwoman Verna Rollinger it the nail on the head: “The Aliso and Wood Canyons Wilderness Park was created 30 years ago with a view to maintaining the creek and its environs in a natural state. The SUPER Project flies in the face of this vision.”

CHARLOTTE MASARIK lives in Laguna Beach.
