

Library holds Valentine open house

The Laguna Beach Library, 363 Glenneyre St., will hold a Valentine-themed open house from 4 to 6 p.m. Tuesday.

Illusionist Allen Oshiro will bring his magic to the library, followed by Valentine crafts for all ages. Participants can also enter free drawings and complete a trivia puzzle for a chance to star in a READ poster. This free event is supported by the Friends of the Laguna Beach Library. For more information, call (949) 497-1733.

Long-time volunteer Odell honored with Paley award

Educator Morgan Odell, a longtime Laguna Beach resident and veteran volunteer with the Laguna Beach High School Scholarship Foundation’s Dollars for Scholars chapter, was awarded the 23rd annual Henry Paley Memorial Award by the National Assn. of Independent Colleges and Universities on Tuesday.


The award, presented at the association’s national meeting in Washington, D.C., recognizes individuals who have worked to advance educational opportunity in the United States.

Previous winners include the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., president emeritus, University of Notre Dame, and former New Jersey Gov. Thomas H. Kean. Sharing the stage with Odell was former U. S. Sen. John Warner, who received the annual NAICU Award for Advocacy of Independent Higher Education.

Odell served as president of the Assn. of Independent California Colleges and Universities for 18 years, retiring in 1985. Since then, he has remained active in both the Dollars for Scholars program of Scholarship America, and in work with educational foundations. Founded in 1958, Dollars for Scholars is a nationwide network of community-based, volunteer-led nonprofit scholarship foundations, including the Laguna Beach chapter.

Dollars for Scholars’ volunteers throughout California awarded in excess of $2 million in scholarships to local students in 2008.

For more information, visit, www.californiadollarsfor, or

Seniors receive scholarship information

The Laguna Beach High School Scholarship Foundation recently kicked off its Scholarship Program for the Class of 2009.

Last year, 247 individual scholarships totaling more than $290,000 were awarded to 112 graduating seniors at the 2008 Honors Convocation.

Scholarship Coordinator Jeannie Harrell met with senior students and distributed scholarship material including the high school’s scholarship application and the 2009 “Go For It Booklet,” which describes all available scholarships.

A committee of volunteers and committee member Art Smart will provide support to seniors in need of assistance with the scholarship process.

Information regarding scholarships — including a scholarship process timeline, a list of all scholarships for 2009, a local scholarship application and more — can be found on beachhs/. The scholarship link is under the quick links menu on the left hand column.

All scholarship applications and materials must be returned to Harrell no later than March 2. Scholarships will be awarded to the Class of 2009 at the school’s Honors Convocation at 7 p.m. June 5.

“The Laguna Beach High School Scholarship Foundation provides an incredible service for our kids,” said Don Austin, Laguna Beach High School principal.

“This extraordinary group of volunteers consistently raises, organizes and distributes large amounts of money to support the dreams of the students in our community.”

Foundation President Marge Earl said she is grateful for the people whose generosity has made money available for the students to continue their education.

“Especially during these challenging economic times LBHSSF is grateful for the many donors from community organizations, service clubs, businesses and individual citizens for their continued support of the dreams and aspirations of our graduating seniors,” she said.

“All but two scholarships are continuing this year and two new scholarships have been established in memory of Dr. Melvin Tonkin, a well-known cardiac specialist, and Barbara Laird, who provided career planning assistance through ROP at LBHS for more than 13 years.”

For more information regarding the LBHSSF Scholarship Program, contact Harrell at (949) 497-7750 ext. 212 or [email protected], or e-mail Earl at [email protected].

Crystal Rubachko named to Dean’s List for fall

Crystal Rubachko, a graduate of Laguna Beach High School, has been named to the Dean’s List for the fall semester at the College of Wooster.

Rubachko, a sophomore, achieved a grade point average of 3.65 or above.

The College of Wooster is an independent liberal arts college, nationally recognized for an innovative curriculum that emphasizes mentored, independent research.

Founded in 1866, the college enrolls approximately 1,800 students.

Logos group holds bake sale to restore buildings

The Logos High School Group of Laguna Presbyterian Church will hold a bake sale Sunday after the 8:30 a.m. service.

Proceeds go toward the group’s upcoming mission trip to Molokai, Hawaii, during spring break.

As they have for the past several years, the students will help build, paint and restore Molokai churches, schools and homes in low income communities, and share Bible Study and Fellowship each evening.

For further information about this trip and other youth activities at Laguna Presbyterian, go to
