

We should stop building a border fence. We should have the National Guard at our border, not overseas.

We should not legalize illegal immigrants.

We should not end Saturday postal delivery.

We need more vocational programs in high school. We should stop paying state colleges $10,000 for each student they help with entrance exams. That $10,000 should be given to students who graduate from high school.

All tenants in affordable housing should pay on their gross income. Many tenants are paying on a higher level with income from their children. We have just learned that this is illegal. I question why the Department of Housing and Urban Development is allowing this if it is illegal.


We keep reading about military equipment disappearing from storage. We may be paying for military equipment that was never delivered. There should be a purchase order system in place.

Medicare is in trouble because no one is checking the charges to Medicare.

I question why each practice does not have a simple spreadsheet in their offices for the patients? It should show the correct code for the initial office visit, follow up visits, and treatments.

We could expose the fraud by consolidating some on the government agencies.

Mary J. McLaughlin

Newport Beach

Shop where there aren’t any dogs

In response to Linda Reed’s “Don’t bring your dog to the mall” comment (Dec. 21), may I suggest an alternative?

If you don’t like to see dogs while shopping at Fashion Island, please enjoy South Coast Plaza, which is dog-free.


