

The following is from the Dec. 9 City Council meeting.

Model aircraft complaint

Councilwoman Verna Rollinger said a Moulton Meadows Park neighbor complained about radio-controlled model aircraft, some of them 3-feet long, being flown in the park.

City Manager Ken Frank said he also received a complaint, and would put the issue on the Recreation Committee agenda.

Projects funded

The council approved the following appropriations:

 $900,000 to the Bluebird lift station rehabilitation project and equipment not to exceed $350,000;


 $619,920 contract awarded to RSB Group Inc. for Main Beach Boardwalk replacement, excluding the wood curb;

 Easement agreement with Cliff Drive property owner for a wall to provide slope stability between the property and the Shaw’s Cove Lift Station, funded by the transfer of $110,000 from the Rockledge sewer improvement design and appropriation of $300,000 from the city sewer fund to the lift station account; and

 $848,282 contract awarded to C.S. Legacy Construction for the South Laguna Streetscape Project.

Marine monitoring

The council unanimously approved a fifth-year consulting agreement with Coastal Resources Management, not to exceed $41,550.


The objective of the monitoring program is to ensure that practices are instituted that satisfactorily protects the marine environment at Treasure Island.

Commercial Zone

The council approved 5-0 the first reading of an ordinance reflecting modifications to the South Laguna Village Commercial Zone/Local Coastal Program required by the California Coastal Commission.


Short-term lodging was added to the list of permitted uses, subject to a conditional use permit.

Language was added to the parking incentives to encourage alternate modes of transportation.

Sound amplification rules changed

The council voted unanimously to adopt an urgency ordinance to repeal and amend sections of the municipal code related to sound amplification and equipment. The ordinance is scheduled to last 90 days. No second reading required.


Some of the code section regarding the use of the equipment was approved in the 1950s and did not contain specific criteria, leaving no standards or guidelines to assist in permit issuance. Prior to the expiration of the 90-day period, the council will hear from the staff and community to determine the appropriate scope and extent of permanent regulations.

Reverse 911 briefing

Councilwoman Toni Iseman is leery about the city’s plan to contract with the county to replace the city’s reverse 911 equipment and software. She thinks it might be better for the city to spend the extra money to maintain a stand-alone system.

The council voted to adopt an urgency ordinance to ask for a briefing by the county staff and consultant on how the Emergency Notification System will work.


The county will provide the briefing, probably in January.

Water feature accepted

The council unanimously voted to accept Lee Winocur Field’s offer to donate a water feature for the exterior of the Community and Senior Center on Third Street and approved the design.


The water feature should be completed by the Opening Day Ceremonies at the end of January.

— Barbara Diamond
