
SOUNDING OFF: Kinsman is committed to Laguna Beach

With the election upon us, I felt it important that I weigh in on the current City Council election race. Specifically, I want to encourage you to support Cheryl Kinsman.

Here’s why: There are probably very few people in town who have known Cheryl as long and as well as I have.

In fact, I originally encouraged Cheryl to get involved in Laguna Beach political activities more than 14 years ago “” when I urged her to join me as a planning commissioner.


I have known Cheryl nearly 20 years “” when she and I were both involved on the board of the North Laguna Community Assn. She served as president of the organization after I had served in that position. While there, we both worked diligently to solve the day laborer hiring issue at the Circle K in North Laguna and to add a sidewalk from Ledroit to downtown to ensure the safety of our residents.

We also served on the Planning Commission together for four years, where she was a strong advocate of property rights for all.

As a business owner and tax accountant, Cheryl was instrumental in helping to ensure the rights of businesses in the downtown as well as preserving the village atmosphere we all love.

For the last six years, Cheryl and I have served together on the City Council. I have found her to be one of the most prepared, committed and intelligent individuals I have ever worked with.

Anyone who knows Cheryl knows that she doesn’t do the job for ego “” she does it because she grew up in a family that believed in giving back to their community, as evidenced by the decades her father served in city government and as the mayor of Riverside.

On the council, Cheryl has worked hard for families, seniors, businesses and those who believe in property rights for all. To my recollection, she has missed only one meeting the entire time we have served together as she often put the council job before her family and her business. Needless to say, she takes her commitments seriously.

Currently, we have a very balanced, giving and generous City Council. I have enjoyed working with all of the current members.

It is my hope that you will give Cheryl your vote to continue her good work for the city of Laguna Beach.

ELIZABETH PEARSON is a member of the Laguna Beach City Council and former mayor of the city. ELIZABETH PEARSON is a member of the Laguna Beach City Council and former mayor of the city.
