

The ghosts and goblins will be walking the streets on this moonless Halloween night, and my wife is polishing her broomstick. Most people know that those who venture out on the water are superstitious, and some superstitions are centuries old. Even modern seamen have their rituals, especially fishermen who have all types of questionable techniques. Just ask any sport- fishing charter- boat galley chef for a banana and see the response.

Sailors constantly confront danger on the high seas, and their superstitions leaned toward protection and safety. Fishermen have rituals for a good catch and returning home safely, and many superstitions are passed down from generation to generation.

Interesting that these seafaring sailors try to influence things that are out of their power such as where the fish are, weather conditions and the ocean’s swells. As strange as some of the superstitions are, people always seem to seek some sort of mystical connection to the environment and objects around them.


Did you know that a woman onboard a boat is bad luck? You got to be kidding, as most guys would feel extremely lucky to have a woman on their boat. Tradition states that women were not as emotionally or physically capable on a boat. I think the real reason is that the men would slack on their duties while distracted.

However, the tradition does state further that if a woman in onboard then she must be naked to calm the seas. This is why the ship figurehead was a woman who was bare breasted on the bow. Well, I better make this tradition mandatory aboard my boat, and see if Congress will add this clause into the navigation rules.

If there is a naked woman on your boat, you cannot whistle at her, because whistling might bring a storm. Ever heard the expression “whistling up a storm” from someone?

Earlier I mentioned bananas can bring bad luck, and sailors will throw all bananas overboard if found on the boat. For centuries, sailors have believed bananas are an omen of disaster, and fishermen believe that the fruit will ruin any chance of catching fish. Bad banana, bad.

I have many more sailor superstitions, but e-mail me your traditions for an upcoming column.

Safe voyages.

MIKE WHITEHEAD is the Pilot’s boating columnist. Send marine-related thoughts and story suggestions to [email protected] or go to
