
Top of the World Neighborhood Association Board Endorse Jane Egly & Verna Rollinger For City Council

By overwhelming majority vote, the Board of Directors of the Top of the World Neighborhood Association endorsed Jane Egly and Verna Rollinger for Laguna Beach City Council candidates for the upcoming November 4th election.

The Top of the World Neighborhood Association (TOWN) Board of Directors are volunteers elected by neighbors in open meetings. Many neighbors, particularly those that were unable to attend the Candidates’ Forum held on October 20th sponsored by TOWNA (co-sponsored by the Temple Hills Community Association and South Laguna Civic Association), appreciate recommendations from the Board. The TOWNA Board endorsement does not signify that a majority of our neighbors support these candidates or that the TOWNA Board unanimously supports these candidates.

The TOWNA Board focuses on neighborhood issues such as, maintaining a fully staffed fire station on Alta Laguna Boulevard, the bordering open space, safety, traffic, reducing noise from John Wayne Airport over-flights, preserving neighborhood character and view preservation. Recently, major concerns of the Board have been maintaining public views from the Alta Laguna Park area and steps to reduce the risk of wildfires. The TOWNA Board endorsed candidates based primarily on the criteria of which candidates would serve the best interest of the Top of the World neighborhood on the issues impacting our neighborhood..


The Top of the World neighborhood borders the open space, with Laguna Heights, the Aliso & Wood Canyons Wilderness Park, and the Bayview open space on its perimeter. Preservation and protection of the open space has long been a critical issue for the TOWNA Board. In addition, the neighborhood hosts two of the school district’s four schools - Top of the World Elementary School on Tree Top Lane and Thurston Middle School on Park Avenue.
