

The nearby residents were up in arms about a Costco across the street at Golden West College due to traffic, noise, etc. Wait till they see what the Ripcurl project will do to their bedroom community. We already have one eyesore high rise at Beach Boulevard and Warner Avenue that you can see from Bolsa Chica; just imagine a cluster of them around Bella Terra.

Yes, we need revenue for the city, but not at the cost of quality of life of our citizens. Downtown Huntington Beach looks like a mini-Myrtle Beach; Bella Terra and the surrounding area is trying to look like Manhattan at the rate it is going. We should change our cities name from Surf City to Concrete Jungle based on the track we are on.

Cool minds must prevail despite the fact that there are eye sores which if utilized properly would bring much needed revenue.


The precedence the Ripcurl project would set is that once you change the city’s plan on units per acre for this project then you open the flood gates for other projects that would argue that “If it was OK for them, why not us?” in terms of density, hence a melt down of the cancerous over development for profit versus true planned growth and quality of life.

Planning Commission Chairman Tom Livengood was correct when he voiced his concern about density issues on this project.

Drew Kovacs

Huntington Beach
