
MAILBAG: Stealing Obama sign shows dirty politics

What a bummer! I had a Barack Obama sign up in my front yard “” but last week [Sept. 10] someone stole it. Why did I have an Obama sign, you might ask. I am a true conservative, which means among many other things that I never did support this military action in Iraq. For sure, it is not a war. If you don’t believe me, just go look at the U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 8, which says [only] Congress has the power to declare war, which it has not done. Furthermore, as a conservationist, I have lived my entire life without running up a personal deficit. I expect no less from our governments.

Those are among the many reasons I decided to support Barack Obama. People clearly don’t have to agree with me. But to steal my Barack Obama yard sign is a low-down dirty way to “play” this political game.


Laguna Beach


‘Wild ideas’ can actually improve Laguna

It is good to let your whimsical side and imagination go wild. Bruce Hopping, a constant City Council observer, imagined a sculpture for peace on the American Legion Hall’s lawn. Councilwoman Cheryl Kinsman said “no way.” What does the American Legion stand for “” war or peace?


Columnist James Pribram imagines new, younger people on City Council. You would think the recent council debate about the Arturo Guevara’s proposed art gallery with a skin art service would activate younger voters, but face it “” it would take a miracle because Laguna’s elections are controlled by a series of cliques, including Village Laguna, the Canyon Conservancy and neighborhood groups whose members’ median age is 70.

Imagine a party for Laguna residents only on the boardwalk “” like they had when it opened. Imagine a colorful, provocative 10+ artist show you will never see at the festivals. “The Land of Retinal Delights” at our own Laguna Art Museum is just that, and you can see the art of rejected Arturo Guevara in this show until Oct. 5. Don’t miss it.

Imagine if the big, old hotel just south of Main Beach Park was painted pink. Well, years ago it was pink and beautiful. Believe it, watch for old Main Beach paintings or look at the city seal on any city vehicle. A whimsical thought is to light up the light house on the hill above the proposed Village Entrance Park, possibly with solar powered lights donated by a neighbor. The light house would have a whole new aura and would lose its reputation as a vent for the WPA sewer plant built in the 1930s.


Laguna Beach
