
MAILBAG: Pribram’s ‘new blood’ welcome on council

I was pleased to see that James Pribram also thinks the City “Council needs new blood” (Aug. 29). I was rather hoping that blood would be his. I had written a previous letter to that end. Mostly for the four last paragraphs in his last “Soapbox,” I believe he is our guy. I know that it is a costly endeavor to run for council.

I would like to think there are enough concerned citizens who could help him in this endeavor.

Scott Alan

Laguna Beach

Tax hike will only hurt everyone, rich and poor

What part of NO new taxes and cut government spending can’t the RINO governor and the Dumbocrats in Sacramento understand?


Adding sales taxes to services is huge tax increase for everyone, poor and rich alike.

Get your car serviced, the tax on the labor will far exceed the cost of the existing sales on the oil and parts.

Get a plumber to fix a leak, the tax on the costly labor will be hundreds of times more expensive than the cost of the tax on the new washer or gasket.

Wake up, public. You are just about to be financially raped again by the crazy irresponsible tax-and-spend politicians and bureaucrats. And a “temporary tax or tax increase,” ha ha. Get mad and let them know it.

Dave Connell

Laguna Beach
