

Well, we’re off and running. The first candidate forum for Costa Mesa City Council hopefuls is now history and we’ve had our first look at the nine people who will vie for the three seats available in November.

Thanks to our good neighbors in Mesa Verde, the forum conducted Aug. 21 — sponsored by their homeowners association, Mesa Verde Community Inc. — presented the nearly 200 audience members with a much-too-brief glimpse of the candidates and to hear their views on only a few of the important issues facing our city.

Rookie moderator and former Councilman Jay Humphrey did a good job mixing up the questions and trying to provide a balanced opportunity for the candidates to make their views known. Only a couple questions asked were answered by all the candidates — how they felt about a potential bridge over the Santa Ana River at 19th Street, for example. They were unanimous rejecting that idea.


Steve Smith, in his column Tuesday, said the forum was boring. I disagree. It may have been boring to folks whose pet issue was not addressed, but I thought it was a good start.

We learned, for example, that the heavy-hitters — Katrina Foley, Gary Monahan, Eric Bever and Jim Righeimer — were the most prepared for the questions chucked at them, as well they should be. These are the folks who will likely spend the most money, have the strongest backing by national political parties and are the most likely to successfully compete for a seat when the music stops Nov. 4.

The five remaining candidates — Lisa Reedy, Bill Sneen, Chris McEvoy, Nick Moss and Chris Bunyan — have a long way to go to compete with the other four.

Bunyan, for example, seems willing to ride his position on Banning Ranch throughout the campaign. He’s been very active in the community since his last place finish in 2006, but I don’t think the voters will provide him with much support if he doesn’t broaden his platform to include other important issues.

McEvoy and Moss are bright young men with no political experience behind them and who apparently intend to run bare-bones campaigns. As refreshing as it is to see new faces, and as passionate as they might be, it’s hard to see how they will be able to reach enough people, particularly since they, along with Bunyan, didn’t submit a ballot statement, the only document every voter will receive.

Reedy and Sneen are not veteran politicians — this is the first political campaign for both — but they each have a strong history of community service behind them and bring a seasoned maturity and a strong family orientation to the campaign. Through their volunteer activities both have demonstrated many times their affection for our city and seem willing to do the homework necessary to run a successful campaign.

The sides are already lining up and making their views known. Predictably, there is strong support for Bever, Monahan and Righeimer by spokespersons for the self-anointed “Improvers.” Plus, that slate will almost certainly receive money and other support from the Orange County Republican Party.

Foley, in my view, handled the questions tossed to her Thursday night the best and is a seasoned campaigner with a strong constituency in the city. She was the highest vote-getter four years ago. However, the “Improver” group has been after her ever since her election, so this campaign could get very interesting.

These are my opinions, but don’t take my word for it. The forum is available for viewing on Costa Mesa TV, Channel 24 on Time Warner Cable, and on streaming video through the city website. The replays on television are going to be run through September, at least, at the following times: 4 p.m. Mondays; 9:30 p.m. Thursdays; 5 p.m. Saturdays; and 10 a.m. Sundays.

Please take the time to watch a replay or view the streaming video at your convenience and form your own opinions. Don’t let your vote be usurped by guys like me. Make your own decision, but make it an informed decision.

It is anticipated that there will be other opportunities for the candidates to be grilled in other similar forums. As I type this, no schedule has been released.

I’m sure the Daily Pilot will inform us when that information is available. I’ll also post any information I receive about pending forums on my blog at

This election means a lot to the future of our city. Take the time to learn about the candidates, ask them tough questions when they come knocking on your door and make an informed choice when you step up to mark your ballots.

Geoff West is a resident of Costa Mesa.
