
Newport Beach wins for reducing carbon footprint

The American Planning Assn. announced Tuesday it has awarded the city of Newport Beach the 2008 National Planning Excellence Award for a Hard-Won Victory.

The city earned the recognition for its adoption in November 2006 of the first comprehensive revision of the city’s general plan in more than 30 years.

The revised plan redirects the city’s automobile-oriented development pattern to a more compact approach that encourages walking and community interaction.


These changes will reduce the number of daily automobile trips by 28,000, the city’s carbon emissions, traffic congestion, and vehicle commute times, according to the association.

To comply with a citizen initiative approved by Newport Beach voters in 2000, the general plan had to be approved by the voters in 2006. Despite a court challenge to the Environmental Impact Report and a competing initiative on the same ballot, the general plan was approved by 54% of voters.

Representatives from Newport Beach will receive their award at a luncheon ceremony April 30 during the association’s National Planning Conference.

— Brianna Bailey
