
FAIR GAME:Anna comes to town

My wife and I are planning to head out of town tonight for the weekend for a little golf.

Then, yesterday afternoon, an e-mail pops up on my computer screen under “media alert.” These are usually the types of messages that are shortly followed thereafter by a simple press of the delete button.

We get a lot of them.

Kind of like the recorded telephone calls that request you stay on the line for an important message from so and so.

It’s so important that so and so isn’t even there to talk to you.

But this e-mail’s headline catches me: Kournikova Media Availability.

Anna Kournikova, the beautiful young tennis star whose fame was in her model looks rather than her tennis playing.


Me and Anna Kournikova? Sitting down for a little chat.

“How’s your tennis?” I ask, not really even caring.

No notes, no notepad. Just our time together.

Or, me and the wife heading down the freeway of love.

You know the drill. She’s looking out of her window in one direction and me out of mine in the other.

Radio blaring.

Every once in awhile one of us has something important to say.

You turn down the radio, listen, nod and occasionally respond.

Then the radio comes back up.

Interesting dilemma.

Kournikova comes to town tonight along with her teammates from the Sacramento Capitals to take on our Newport Beach Breakers in the opening match of World Team Tennis season.

Perhaps you’ve noticed the stadium being built right smack in the middle of the Newport Beach Country Club parking lot.

The set-up is great. I walked it the other day.

I’m told there will be some great food booths.

Also, a terrace sitting up facing the ocean on one side and the court on the other for cocktails before the matches begin.

And, like the Toshiba Classic, all benefiting Hoag Hospital.

The season only lasts for the month of July.

The Breakers recent success includes winning the WTT title in 2004 and visits the championship finals in 2005 and 2006.

Something tells me this is going to be the usual who’s who in Newport Beach.

And sorry, Anna, can’t shake the wife.

Perhaps another time.

  • TOM JOHNSON is the publisher. Readers may leave a message for him on the Daily Pilot hotline at (714) 966-4664 or send story ideas to [email protected].
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