
Student awarded for prom dress collection charity

Last year Katherine Lang collected more than 65 prom dresses for girls from low-income households. Sunday the non-profit group Working Wardrobes thanked Katherine for her hard work by giving her a Presidential Service award at the Balboa Bay Club during a charity event.

More than 400 people gathered for an afternoon tea in the Newport Beach resort’s Grand Ballroom to donate money toward the charity and honor the young girl’s hard work gathering gowns for the Cinderellas for Life program.

The annual collection provides teens in foster care and difficult economic situations with an opportunity to live the fairy-tale prom. A dress, shoes and accessories are provided to complete the experience.


In 2006 the Corona del Mar High School sopho- more started her own club on campus, Cinderellas for Life, and donated all the gowns to Working Wardrobes, based in Fountain Valley.

Since it began, Katherine’s club thrives on campus as she has donated more than 100 hours to the cause.

— Kelly Strodl
