
MAILBAG - March 15, 2007

Let Sunshine Week shed some light

Have you ever asked yourself, “What is it they are not telling me? Is there something overlooked or hidden going on?” This could be true whether it’s Main Street, the Poseidon desalination plant, the senior center or your favorite pothole.

When candidates are elected, they must remember they have been delegated by the voters they serve. They have an obligation to make sure their actions are conducted under the “open government” plan. That means what they do is “in the sunshine, not in the dark.”

They should make their commitment to Open Government a public statement. They could recognize Sunshine Week. Actually they should say, “I support Sunshine Week.” That tells everyone where they are coming from. Well, of course, actions speak louder than words, so they’ll have follow-through on that.


Sunshine Week is a national event that focuses attention on all levels of government. The main sponsor is the American Society of Newspaper Editors and has support from many citizen organizations across the country. This year’s honorary chairs are Ben Bradlee, vice president of the Washington Post; NBC reporter Tom Brokaw; and Judy Woodruff of “The News Hour With Jim Lehrer.”

Citizens are encouraged to visit their city council, school board and other elected board meetings to see Sunshine Week in action.


Huntington Beach

Train would drive tourists away

Whose brilliant idea is it to rip up established Huntington Beach neighborhoods in order to run a dangerous and noisy railroad to Disneyland (“Residents riled over rail route,” March 8)? Isn’t the point of all the development along Pacific Coast Highway to bring tourists to Huntington Beach? Why would anyone with an interest in our city want to send them away?

The idea of destroying part of our city to help fill Disney’s coffers is preposterous and needs no “further study.”

And just who is keeping the public informed about these shenanigans?

Is quietly adding the item to the City Council agenda at the last minute and attempting to keep it below the radar (knowing the outcry that would result) what they mean by that? For shame.

I guess it is no surprise that perennial candidate for worst City Councilwoman, Cathy Green, is in the midst of all this. It is somehow fitting she once again is the mouthpiece for yet another ill-advised and absurd project.

Responsible residents of our city can only hope that she (and this ridiculous project) both return to the dustbin of history as soon as possible (and I mean that in a nice way).


Huntington Beach

Poseidon would prove costly

Kudos to Marinka Horack for her Sounding Off editorial, (“We need an alternative to Poseidon,” March 8). Huntington Beach residents should be sure to read her great letter and then realize what the city is threatened with.

I also hope our residents read the Los Angeles Times article “Sin City Covets Thy Aquifers” (March 7). There is a plan that Las Vegas wants to put up money for a desalination plant in California. They would then trade California for our share of Colorado River water.

The cost of the proposed desalination water is unknown at this time but estimated to be at least six times more costly than our water from the Colorado river.

The City Council majority: Cathy Green, Don Hansen, Keith Bohr and Mayor Gil Coerper should have second thoughts about voting for the Poseidon misadventure here in Huntington Beach.


Huntington Beach
