
CITY FOCUS:Board biz in better shape

A little over a year ago, the surf and surfboard shaping industry was in an uproar and fearing an uncertain future when Clark Foam, the major supplier of polyurethane blanks used for shaping surfboards, unexpectedly closed up shop in December 2005.

But the dust in the shaper’s shops has not settled yet. Shapers have continued their dirty work, making surfboards with polyurethane blanks, thanks to new foam manufacturing companies or existing companies ramping up production.

The competition in the marketplace has also proved healthy for the surfing industry, making foam companies produce higher quality foam.


Laguna Beach shaper and owner of Costa Azul Surfboards, Rod Greenup, said that after Clark closed, he, like others, was worried about the industry’s future. But a year later, all seems to look good for industry and the consumer.

“Basically, there’s really a glut now. The market has been overwhelmed with all different sources of foam and qualities of foam, and I think the consumers have been bombarded with all these different options. It just kind of put the consumers on the fence and the manufacturers on their heels,” Greenup said. “But I think as a result … the playing field is getting leveled out a little bit now.”

The industry has come almost full circle, Greenup said, and it’s just going to get better.

Gordon “Grubby” Clark closed his Laguna Niguel-based company suddenly on Dec. 5, 2005, sending out letters to shapers that Monday saying the closure would be effective immediately.

Clark basically had the monopoly on the market in the United States — and arguably around the world — with some competition in Australia and South Africa.

But new manufacturers, and those headquartered in other countries, have come out from behind Clark’s shadow to help supply local shapers.

Despite polyurethane blanks still seemingly the most popular, the idea that with the closure of Clark’s company came the end of foam blanks, some shapers looked to other materials, some of which are hotly contested in the surfing industry.

Epoxy resin has been one up-and-coming material shapers and surfers have been experimenting with, although some say it can be difficult to work with and repair, and isn’t flexible enough in the water.

“We’re not entirely sold on it; we think there’s a lot more that needs to be learned in that area,” said Newport Beach- based Russell Surfboards spokesman Tim Manno.

The number of polyurethane foam companies that have come out of the woodwork have shapers acknowledging that the traditional material will not cease to be important to the future of the sport.

“There’s still a lot of viability for polyurethane as much as all the exotic epoxies that are experimented with and tested and used,” Greenup said. “People are still seeing the viability of standard materials and, as time rolls on here, and blank producers get a little more efficient with their production, continue to make those blanks closer tolerant and a little more green. That’ll probably be a big plus for people to stay with polyurethane foam.”

With a year of reflection behind them, people in the industry have begun to realize that maybe the status quo wasn’t the absolute best for business, especially considering the new companies and innovations.

But most shapers do acknowledge missing the regularity of Clark, and said they miss placing those orders. One of the advantages of Clark Foam, aside from Clark’s seemingly top-secret formulas for his foam and his commitment to fixing glitches, was the variety of blanks he provided to shapers.

As foam manufacturers work out the glitches — some of which may be due to trying to produce too much, too fast — shapers are seeing the product getting better, although the success of the newer foam makers has yet to be seen.

“It’s just going to be interesting to see what happens in the next 12 months, to see how it all fans out. It’s definitely improving the product. There’s obviously tons of options out there. It’s been fun, and it’s been a learning experience,” Greenup said. “But bottom line, it’s going to be better for the consumer, and we’re definitely past the worst of it.”
