
SOUNDING OFF:O.C. should surge against President Bush

President Bush has proposed sending another 20,000 troops into Iraq in the next several months. He claims this troop escalation is a new strategy.

In fact, this is another example of Bush and the Republicans refusing to admit when they are dead wrong.

As the other countries involved surge out of Iraq, we are surging in. Bush is running out the clock so that this mess he has created will become the problem of the next administration. That way, he and the Republican hit squad can try to blame someone else for their failures there.


We have suffered more than 3,000 American military deaths in Iraq. More than half of these deaths have occurred since January 2005. The deaths represent less than 15% of the American casualties — those so seriously injured that their lives will never be the same. Iraq has spiraled out of control into a civil war.

Bush should not risk the lives of more American troops to further his public relations campaign.

Increased deployments will push the military to a breaking point. Our Army and National Guard are already stretched thin as a result of the president’s failed policies, and our troops have sacrificed enough. If our current pace continues, we will sacrifice our ability to wage the global war on terrorism.

The only surge we need is one in which Democrats, Republicans and independents work together to surge against the president. This surge is one by the American people, in which we demand what is right for our country.

To my Republican friends, I applaud those of you who are breaking with Bush and his failed policy. I hope you hold local Republican leadership similarly accountable and demand that your party take a new approach.

To my Democratic and independent friends, now is the time to get involved in shaping the attitudes of your community.

Our county is changing, and you can become part of that change. If you would like to get involved in what we are doing, e-mail us at

  • FRANK BARBARO is chairman of the Orange County Democratic Party.
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