

Here are some items the council will consider today.

YOUTH COUNCILThe city’s first “youth in government” program, including a youth council of 18 local high school students who will learn about government, was proposed in 2005 by Councilwoman Katrina Foley, and the council approved $3,800 to fund the program in the 2006-07 budget. The program officially kicked off in December, but now Mayor Allan Mansoor is questioning whether the committee was formed properly.

Mansoor said he expects the youth council to make recommendations to the City Council, and he considers any such group a committee that needs a separate council vote to be formed. In a report to the council, City Atty.

Kimberly Hall Barlow said if the council officially votes on the youth council, it would become a committee subject to the state’s open meetings laws, known as the Brown Act — something she doesn’t think is necessary.



It’s not clear what will happen at the meeting. When reached by phone last week, Mansoor was unable to elaborate on his concerns about the youth council’s formation, or to answer whether he thought it was a procedural item that just needs a council sign-off or if the makeup of the committee should be changed in some way.

“A lot of people talk about consensus and bringing people into the discussion, but council really wasn’t part of forming this committee,” he said.

HIGH-RISE DEVELOPMENTSThe council again will take up plans for five high-rise developments on Costa Mesa’s north side and likely make a final decision. The projects would add more than 1,200 homes to the city as well as new space for the Orange County Museum of Art, and office and retail space.

The council postponed a vote in December after the county’s Airport Land Use Commission voted the project down — a decision the council can override.


The council probably will approve the high-rise plans.

MODEL AIRCRAFT RULESThe council will hold a second reading, a normal procedure for new ordinances, on a first-ever set of rules governing the flying of model aircraft at Fairview Park. If an item makes it past the first reading, it typically passes the second also and becomes official, but at least one model aircraft pilot thinks the rules aren’t strict enough and plans to ask the council to tighten them.

The council on Jan. 2 voted to set new rules that require model pilots to get a city permit by showing proof of liability insurance, keep aircraft below 400 feet, and not fly planes that weigh more than 10 pounds. The president of the Harbor Soaring Society, the main organized club that uses Fairview Park, said most club members are fine with the new rules.

However, Hugh Broesamle, who doesn’t belong to the club, is worried about injuries caused by electric-powered planes that fly at high speeds. He said he’ll lobby the council to make changes he thinks will increase safety.


The council deliberated a long time over the rules at its last meeting, so unless new information is presented, council members probably will stick with the rules they’ve got and vote to make them official.

IF YOU GOCosta Mesa City Council meeting


WHEN: 6 p.m. today

WHERE: City Council chambers, City Hall, 77 Fair Drive

INFO: (714) 754-5221 or

— Compiled by Alicia Robinson
