

The following is from the Jan. 8 meeting of the Laguna Beach Arts Commission.

Honorarium for banner competition raised

The commission approved increasing the artist honorarium for its banner competition during the 2006 budget year from $500 to $2,000.

Commissioner Mary Ferguson said that after doing some figuring, she found that the banner artists are compensated much less per square foot than those who win the city’s Postcards from Laguna competition.

Commissioner Joan Corman said that working artists typically can’t afford to compete in the banner competition at the $500 honorarium level, as their time is not adequately compensated.


The 4’ x 16’ banners are displayed on city lampposts throughout the summer festival season. Commissioner Mike Tauber voted against the increase; all other commissioners voted for it.

Palettes removed early, more damaged than usual

Cultural Arts Manager Sian Poeschl said during staff communications that she received calls from the public about the holiday palettes being taken down early this year.

She said their dismantling was inadvertent. The palettes are usually removed at the same time as Santa’s downtown hut — when it was removed early, the palettes were as well.

She also said it may have been a stroke of luck that they were taken down early, as the high winds at the end of the yearmay well might have been detrimental to damaged the palettes if they had they remained up for their standard duration. She added that about 20 palettes either fell down, were hit or otherwise fell apart this year, which is a higher number than in previous years.


Village Entrance sculpture competition site tour

Poeschl reported that interest in the current sculpture competition at 1900 Laguna Canyon Road has been high, and that a site tour for pre-registered artists will be given this Saturday. She indicated that if interest is high enough, an additional site tour may be held. Entries for the competition must be submitted by Feb. 2.


Bench locations approved

After discussion, the commission unanimously approved three locations for artist-designed benches to be installed at trolley stops near the Festival of Arts, Sawdust Festival and Art-a-Fair. Details of the project are still under deliberation, but the commission discussed interrelating all three benches under an art festival theme.


Temporary sculpture exhibition extended

The commission unanimously approved extending an exhibition of a sculpture on loan from the Festival of Arts at 357 Broadway until Feb. 1, 2008.

— Compiled by Candice Baker
