
MAILBAG - Sept. 10, 2006

$10,000 reward will help city’s police find shooters

With a reward or not, the Costa Mesa Police will do their job 100% (“$10,000 reward offered in shootings hunt,” Thursday). I do feel the reward may urge people to come forward with any information related to the shooting. It may also entice people to step up and get involved more often. Let’s face it, money talks, and many people only respond if they will be rewarded. So yes, I agree with offering a reward.


Costa Mesa

Council shouldn’t be nitpicking reward

The Costa Mesa City Council’s discussion of these rewards is a sad illustration of the mismanagement of our city’s government. To use a private sector analogy, it would make no sense for the board of directors of an operation with an annual top line of $100 million to suddenly decide to impose an expense of $10,000.

With the police’s annual budget hovering around $40 million, the police chief ought to not bother about such a decision, either.


This decision to offer a reward ought to be made by the detectives in charge of the cases, out of their discretionary budgets, which ought to provide for much more than office supplies.

Of course, the above assumes that detectives are competent, caring and known by their higher-ups to make generally correct decisions, including whom to consult and how to spend the city’s money. These are marks of a fairly well-run organization.

In a decently governed city, the City Council and the police’s top brass would not even think of bypassing investigators’ judgment as to how to do their jobs.

Costa Mesa does not need more police officers; it needs to blow up a few boxes in City Hall.


Costa Mesa

No kids, no vote? Tell columnist ‘No way’

I, once again, have to disagree with Steve Smith’s opinion (“Debate short on controversy,” On the Town, Wednesday). I don’t have kids, so in his opinion, I am automatically disqualified for receiving his vote for elected office — as if I wanted his single vote anyway.

Sorry, but having kids is not a reason to vote for or against anyone, no matter what his or her qualifications. Smith’s opinions are not appreciated. Talk about getting a life and being real; Smith is a long way from that.


Corona del Mar

Want a vote? Own a business and be a parent

Steve Smith’s opinion that no one is qualified to serve in any political position unless he or she is a business owner is interesting. Actually, he wouldn’t allow just any business owner, it has to be one who has children.

The idea that no one who works, other than the employer with at least one child, is qualified to serve in public office would certainly keep all of those pesky employees from having a political voice. They might make up 90% of the population in a city, but what difference does that make? Their boss knows what is best for them. Really, how could anyone trying to make it on a paycheck know what is important for a city? Smith is right — best to keep them in their place, someplace other than public office.


Newport Beach

Costa Mesa is not on a downward slide

Wow! After reading the letter Thursday referring to the city of Costa Mesa’s downward slide, I felt like I had stepped back into the 1950s and ‘60s. I am certain the writer and other people can find ways “to go to stores and run errands” without driving through my city. Have they tried the Internet? Mapquest? If the alternate routes take them through parts of the beach area, they should be careful, especially on weekends and holidays. They easily could observe “white males using public streets … as a bathroom.”

This is my city for more than 60 years. Anyone is welcome to visit, but leave such attitude at home.


Costa Mesa

Looking for a reaction from the Christian right

My comment is, what’s with running the photo of the OC Platinum “booty shorts” again? You didn’t get the correct response from the public? The outrage from all your so-called Christian readers? I bet you wouldn’t put a close-up picture of a man’s athletic supporter or underwear. I’m just waiting: When will we get our old Daily Pilot back? Or are you going to change the name to the El Paso Religious Gazette?


Costa Mesa
