
All hail clematis, queen of the vines

Clematis are perhaps the most beloved vining plants in the world ? that’s why they’re known as the “queen of the vines.”

Until recently it was assumed that these regal plants were poor choices for Southern California’s climate and soils. About ten years ago Edith Malek, a dedicated and energetic gardener from Irvine, began to sing the praises of clematis both locally and across the United States. Almost single-handedly, she set out on a lonely crusade to elevate the elusive clematis to the mainstream of local gardening.

Edith is the president and founder of the American Clematis Society and grows more than 200 gorgeous examples in her Irvine garden. Before Edith began her crusade, clematis were noticeably absent from local gardens; now they are common. I’ve been gardening for more than 30 years, but before I met Edith I had never cultivated a clematis. I’ve grown 14 since.


Most clematis grown along the Orange County coast will be small vines, about 6- to 12-feet high. Plant them in an exposed position where they will enjoy the sun for most or all of the day. In soil with a clay component, dig a good-sized hole, saving only the best of the topsoil. Add a quality planting mix as needed.

Getting the clematis out the nursery container without harming it may be your first and only challenge toward growing a beautiful plant. Always cut the container down the side, from top to bottom ? never pull the vine out of the pot. Carefully set the root ball deeply into the hole, so that the plant’s stems are three to five inches below soil level.

Clematis prefer cool soil, and setting the roots deeply will help to keep the roots from getting too warm. You can increase the effect by applying a 3- to 4-inch layer of planting mix over the soil surface, above the roots. Azalea mixes work especially well for this. Replenish the mulch regularly, especially during the warm summer months.

Feed clematis abundantly from late winter into early fall, much as you would roses. Not surprisingly, because of their similar fertilizing, watering, sun requirements and pruning time, clematis and roses have long been traditional companions in a garden. I enjoy planting clematis adjacent to a large rose and letting the two intermingle, as is common in England. The effect is marvelous and should be popular locally, since roses are so common in our gardens. A rose-clematis combination looks especially attractive when the rose has an old-fashioned flower form, like David Austin hybrids.

If you’re not growing your clematis through a rose or shrub or up a tree, you will need to provide a support for it. Unlike most vines, clematis are light, airy vines, not needing heavy support and not building up thick, heavy growth after a few years. Finding support is especially easy for a clematis. It can be from a free-standing obelisk or a nearby post, and certainly an arbor or fence will do just fine.

Like roses, clematis require an annual pruning, and the process can sometimes intimidate first-timers. Summer or winter, light or hard ? it will depend on the clematis group to which your plant belongs. Lots of advice can be found to guide you through the simple process.

Edith suggests a pruning alternative: Prune some stems lightly and some hard. This technique, she says, encourages flowers at various heights along the vine and has a built-in margin of error. Prune when the leaf buds begin to plump up, about late January in Orange County, the same time you’ll be pruning your roses.

In my garden, clematis bloom about the same time as my roses, from April into November.

To learn a bit more, check the May-June edition of Fine Gardening Magazine. In it Edith has a beautifully illustrated article titled “The Many Faces of Clematis.” To learn even more, join the American Clematis Society ( or pick up a copy of Edith’s recent book on the topic, “Simply Clematis.”

You might also consider attending the American Clematis Society’s 10th anniversary convention in Irvine on June 2-3, with an optional garden tour on June 4. Space is limited, and details are available on the society’s website.

The program looks terrific, packed with great speakers well known to enthusiastic gardeners, including Rosalind Creasy, Annie Hall, Gloria Leinbach, Tom Spellman, Murray Rosen and, of course, Edith Malek.
