
Art Escapes continue at Aliso Creek

February artists are Charlene Guy and Michelle Taylor.Laguna Outreach for Community Arts continues its 2006 art workshop series, Art Escapes. The classes are held on Monday from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Aliso Creek Inn, 31106 Coast Highway.

February’s featured artists will be Laguna Beach artists Charlene Guy and Michelle Taylor, both Sawdust Festival exhibitors. Art Escapes is designed for anyone who is interested in learning techniques from professional artists. No prior art experience is necessary.

Guy will be teaching an acrylics class on Feb. 6. Charlene will share her impressionistic floral techniques using acrylic paints.


On Feb. 13, 20 and 27, Taylor is conducting a three-week series that focuses on three-dimensional mixed-media art. Taylor will demonstrate how to turn treasured and found objects into personal art.

Research materials will be included and some supplies will be available, but those who have their own materials are encouraged to bring them. Art Escapes is made possible by a generous grant from the city and lodging establishments of Laguna Beach.

The cost is $30 per class, including materials. Space is limited to 12 per class. Preregistration is required. Information and registration: (949) 363-4700. 20060120itb79ync(LA)Michelle Taylor will teach a class in using found objects to create art next month during Art Escapes.
