
Costa Mesa deserves better

I am writing to set the record straight about my support of various Costa Mesa youth organizations through my city discretionary fund account.

What exactly is all the fuss about regarding these expenditures?

First and foremost, all dollars dispersed by the city from my discretionary fund went directly to legitimate, nonpolitical purposes such as a lawn mower, and other equipment, supplies and programming. My name never appeared on any uniforms or banners. (Indeed, I understand that most of the groups did not even know these funds came from me, as funds came in the form of a check from the city, not me.)

I did not personally distribute any city money. I inquired from the city manager whether the donations were allowed, and he researched the issue, approved and processed the requests through the normal city expenditure process.


Mayor Allan Mansoor and Councilman Eric Bever know that the city attorney has determined that all expenditures from my discretionary fund were made following proper local, state and federal laws.

There was nothing covert or secretive done. The donations were reported both on our City Council monthly expenditure reports and on the warrants (checks) list that was approved unanimously by the City Council. Mansoor even requested information about at least one of the warrant items.

Bever refuses to acknowledge that he actually did vote on the expenditures by approving the warrants. He also continues to ignore our legal advisors who have confirmed on the record that each council member has the discretion to choose what to use the money for, because there are no current policies. And that the City Council unanimously approved the expenditures.

Is investment in local organizations that serve our youth a good use of city funds? I think so, but people can debate that.

Bever used funds to buy himself a cell phone, Bluetooth earpiece and case to carry them in, and to attend a conference. I used some of mine for a land-use conference and for Internet access to my city computer, but the bulk of my allocations went to support such local nonprofits as the Davis School PTA Jog-A-Thon, College Park Fast Tutoring program, Cancer Society Relay for Life Costa Mesa Team and youth sports leagues.

Were the expenditures by us both processed properly and legal? Absolutely.

I am sorry that the athletic leagues and other nonprofits have been dragged into this cynical and purely political circus.

I certainly support Bever’s desire to create guidelines for how the funds should be governed in the future. I am even open to eliminating such personal education and discretionary funds altogether. I personally and through my business give and will continue to give every year to charitable causes.

I resent the unfounded accusations of wrongdoing. I am saddened that Mansoor and Bever continue to so cavalierly impugn the integrity of a colleague, especially despite the consistent contrary opinion of their own city attorney, which serves only to further erode the public trust with no good reason.

These are exactly the kinds of actions that cause good community volunteers to forego elected public service.

Of course, Costa Mesa deserves better.

* KATRINA FOLEY is a Costa Mesa City Councilwoman.

