
Brian Conley of Golden West College received...

Brian Conley of Golden West College received the M. Dale Ensign

Trustee Pacific Regional Award from the Assn. of Community College


Conley, who has been a faculty member at Golden West College since

1975, was recognized for his dedication and service to his



Don and Marilyn MacAllister of Huntington Beach celebrated their

50th wedding anniversary on Sept. 25.

They have been active community members for more than 38 years.

Don MacAllister was on the Huntington Beach City Council for 12 years

and also served as mayor. The couple has three daughters.

* NEIGHBORS is news about Huntington Beach people achieving and

doing good in the community. To submit information to this feature,

please send it to the Independent, Attn.: Neighbors, 1375 Sunflower

Ave., Costa Mesa, CA, 92626; fax it to (714) 966-4667; or e-mail it

to [email protected].
