
Many reasons to oppose desalination plant

The short answer to the question, “Did the City Council make the

right decision on approving the Poseidon environmental report,” is

no. This is why.

First and foremost, the environmental report still did not show

with any degree of certitude what the long-term environmental

implications are in running the plant. Given that in this city we

have beach recreational use, a hospitality industry and marine life,

it seems to me that for those reasons alone it should have been


Other reasons: We don’t need this plant for Huntington Beach; none

of the water is slated for us, and even if it was it would be so

expensive as to be prohibitive; the construction of the pipeline will

affect the nearby area negatively; Poseidon does not have a good

track record in the construction of these projects; and the

neighbors, homeowners and residents for the most part do not want it


I realize that we are being called NIMBY’s by some. My response is

that all politics are local. Yes, we get involved and interested in

those things that affect us most. Some would call that positive

community involvement. Do we call it that only when we agree? The

meeting on Sept. 7 was divided into two camps. The group against the

plant far outnumbered the pro-Poseidon group and consisted of

residents and homeowners of the area.

We were there representing ourselves as involved and concerned

residents. The Poseidon camp, for the most part, was represented by

their employees and hired experts, most of whom live elsewhere. What

does that tell you?

* ANNIE JELNICK is a Huntington Beach resident. To contribute to

“Sounding Off,” e-mail us at [email protected] or fax us at

(714) 966-4667.
