
Doing good behind bars

No good deed goes unpunished, right?

That clearly was the case Thursday in Newport Beach as 15

professionals ended up behind bars, with $1,000 or more bail staring

them in their jail-hardened faces. They had been caught by police,

some were handcuffed, and all were read their Miranda rights.

Fortunately for them, their jail was at the Tommy Bahama Cafe and

Emporium, and their bail was going to the Muscular Dystrophy Assn.

And their Miranda rights told them they could call as many friends as

possible to help raise the bail.

In the end, enough friends opened their wallets for the fundraiser

to steal away with $16,500, which will be used to help kids go to

summer camp.

It’s a fundraiser that is popping up more and more, and each time

the criminals -- or helpful participants, if you like -- give rave

reviews to the fun of being put in the pokey.

And we can imagine that the fun the kids have at the Muscular

Dystrophy Assn. summer camp makes the jail time seem pretty tame.
