


* Maternity Barn, Small Animal Tent, Egg Laying Contest, Small

Animal Posters, Educational Displays, and Oxen and Market Animals on

Display -- Livestock Area

* Discover the Fair Button and Scavenger Hunt -- Youth In Motion

* Callin’ You Over to Play (Free Hands-on Toy Area) -- Blue Gate


* Scroll Saw Guild -- Home and Hobbies

* California Carvers Guild -- Home and Hobbies

* Orange County Polymer Clay Guild -- Home and Hobbies


* 4-H Market Swine (FFA Market Swine to follow) -- Livestock Arena

* Craft and Activity Area (12 p.m. to 8 p.m.) -- Youth In Motion

* Singer/Guitarist Steve Lord -- Centennial Stage

12:30 P.M.

* Senior Hat Parade -- Heritage Stage

* Singer Billy Erickson -- Centennial Stage

1 P.M.

* Glassblowing Demonstration -- Crafters Village

* Art Demonstration -- Visual Arts

* Mama Hen Contest -- Sun Stage

* Juggler Greg Bennick -- Celebration Stage (Youth In Motion)

* Magic of Frank Thurston -- Kids Park Activity Area

* All Alaskan Racing Pigs -- Livestock Area

* Singer/Guitarist Steve Lord -- Centennial Stage

* All-American Boys Chorus -- Ralphs Park Plaza

1:30 P.M.

* Cal’s Caddy Shack Putting Contest -- Heritage Stage

* Singer Billy Erickson -- Centennial Stage

* Russell Brothers Circus -- Green Gate

2 P.M.

* Woodworkers Demonstration -- Visual Arts

* Ceramics Demonstration -- Crafters Village

* Flying Carpet Caravan -- Sun Stage

* Drapers and Damons Fashion Show -- Home and Hobbies

* In the Pits Contest -- Kids Park Activity Area

* Singer/Guitarist Steve Lord -- Centennial Stage

2:30 P.M.

* Schwimmers 5678 Dancers -- Heritage Stage

* Cluck Pluck Contest -- Ralphs Park Plaza

* Singer Billy Erickson -- Centennial Stage

3 P.M.

* Glassblowing Demonstration -- Crafters Village

* Art Demonstration -- Visual Arts

* Dance Team -- Sun Stage

* Magic of Frank Thurston -- Celebration Stage (Youth In Motion)

* All Alaskan Racing Pigs -- Livestock Area

* Almost Live -- Centennial Stage

* OC Fair Circus Fun Review -- Green Gate

* All-American Boys Chorus -- Ralphs Park Plaza

3:30 P.M.

* Milking Demonstration -- Millennium Barn

* Eva Fry (Enjoying the Senior Years) -- Heritage Stage

* Singer Laini Risto -- Centennial Stage

* Adventures in Silver Clay (Kathy Davis) -- Home and Hobbies

* Ceramics Demonstration -- Crafters Village

4 P.M.

* Woodworkers Demonstration -- Visual Arts

* Al DiMora (Vocalist)-- Heritage Stage

* Eastside Christian Dancers -- Sun Stage

* Flingers Contest -- Kids Park Activity Area

* Almost Live -- Centennial Stage

4:30 P.M.

* Cooking for Camping with Anne Carano -- Home and Hobbies

* Singer Laini Risto -- Centennial Stage

* Russell Brothers Circus -- Green Gate

5 P.M.

* Schwimmers 5678 Dancers -- Heritage Stage

* Spectrum Racquettes -- Sun Stage

* Magic of Frank Thurston -- Celebration Stage (Youth In Motion)

* Juggler Greg Bennick -- Kids Park Activity Area

* All Alaskan Racing Pigs-- Livestock Area

* Almost Live-- Centennial Stage

5:30 P.M.

* Culinary Arts Series presents Alton Brown-- Ralphs Park Plaza

* Milking Demonstration-- Millennium Barn

* Singer Laini Risto-- Centennial Stage

* Sebastian Sidi (5:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.)-- The Courtyard

6 P.M.

* Art Demonstration -- Visual Arts

* Glassblowing Demonstration -- Crafters Village

* Ribbon Art with Annemarie Socas -- Home and Hobbies

* Magic of Frank Thurston -- Kids Park Activity Area

* Almost Live -- Centennial Stage

6:30 P.M.

* Balladeer Lloyd Mabrey -- Centennial Stage

* OC Fair Circus Fun Review -- Green Gate

7 P.M.

* Pat Benatar and Neil Giraldo / Berlin / The Motels (Additional

Admission Required) -- Pacific Amphitheatre

* Hypnotist Mark Yuzuik -- Sun Stage

* Karaoke -- Youth In Motion

* Ceramics Demonstration -- Crafters Village

* Woodworkers Demonstration -- Visual Arts

* All Alaskan Racing Pigs -- Livestock Area

* Port City Washboard Wizards -- Centennial Stage

7:30 P.M.

* Milking Demonstration -- Millennium Barn

* Mystery Contest -- Kids Park Activity Area

* Comedy Juggler Marcus -- Heritage Stage

* Balladeer Lloyd Mabrey -- Centennial Stage

* Russell Brothers Circus -- Green Gate

8 P.M.

* Wild Child (A Tribute to the Doors) -- Citizens Business Bank


* Art Demonstration -- Visual Arts

* Oxen Team Presentation -- Livestock Arena

* Thunder Road -- Sun Stage

* Port City Washboard Wizards -- Centennial Stage

* Terry Hanck Band (8 p.m. to 11 p.m.) -- Baja Blues Restaurant

8:30 P.M.

* Doc Anello and the Swing Machine -- Heritage Stage

* Balladeer Lloyd Mabrey -- Centennial Stage

9 P.M.

* Hypnotist Mark Yuzuik -- Sun Stage

* All Alaskan Racing Pigs -- Livestock Area

* Port City Washboard Wizard -- Centennial Stage

* Russell Brothers Circus -- Green Gate

9:30 p.m.

* Comedy Juggler Marcus -- Heritage Stage

* Balladeer Lloyd Mabrey -- Centennial Stage

10 p.m.

* Thunder Road -- Sun Stage

* Port City Washboard Wizards -- Centennial Stage

10:30 p.m.

* Doc Anello -- Heritage Stage
